Peppol Ready
Peppol Offers New Compliance Automation Opportunities

Source: IMDA Engage Newsletter Issue 2, Page 2

Peppol E-invoicing is a standardised digital way of sending and receiving invoice between the accounting systems of two parties. Peppol is the network that facilitates the exchange of this information digitally.

IMDA has implemented the nationwide E-Invoicing network on 9 January 2019 with certified Access Points and Solution Providers offering services to help businesses improve efficiency, reduce cost, enjoy faster payment cycles, access to new financing options and build a strong foundation for digitalisation. This network is an extension of the International Peppol E-Delivery Network allowing our enterprises to transact internationally with other linked companies.

Electronic invoicing or E-Invoicing allows direct transmission of invoices in structured digital format from one finance system to another resulting in faster payment.

Benefits of E-Invoicing
What does this mean for business owners like me?

The World Management Pte Ltd has been accepted by IMDA to be Peppol Ready.
We can offer SAP Business One and Sage 300 with the following ability

Receiving E-Invoices

Ability to receive E-invoices as per the IMDA standards and display them correctly

Sending E-Invoices

Ability to send E-invoices as per the IMDA standards

SMP Friendly

Ability to register user business on the platform to the Singapore’s Nationwide E-Invoicing Network’s Service Metadata Publisher (SMP)

User Management

Ability to locally store the Peppol ID of platform users (i.e. end user) customer or suppliers

Businesses on the network can send a sample e-invoice to the specially arranged “Echo” recipient on network. This is a special account, where the receiving system will “bounce” the incoming invoice back to the sender through a specified email address.


Create and send a e-invoice to

Peppol/ Recipient ID:

0195:SGTSTECHOTEST01 (Courtesy of
0195:SGTSTECHOTEST02 (Courtesy of DataPost)
Enter the return email address to which the invoice

should be bounced in either the:

– Invoice ID/No field, or

– Remarks/Notes field


You can search for other businesses on the SG Peppol Directory by visiting this site This site provides online search capabilities, batch checking of businesses and API access for businesses who wishes to automate their process. Watch the video guide below:


Showcase 1
Showcase 1

How to create a customer contact

How to create a customer contact

Showcase 3
Showcase 3

how to verify and make payment for an incoming e-invoice

how to verify and make payment for an incoming e-invoice

Showcase 4
Showcase 4

Upload function for e-invoice

Upload function for e-invoice

Showcase 5
Showcase 5

How to send an e-invoice to Singapore government agencies(through AGD)

How to send an e-invoice to Singapore government agencies(through AGD)

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