TWM provides a cost-efficient service that streamlines implementation process. With best practice, your solution will be up and running within the time of projection. Our solutions are implemented by qualified consultants with a vast experience, and based on a methodology that ensures the best business practices.
With years of experience in project management, our consultants will work with you closely, and control and monitor the progress of implementation project on behalf of you to ensure the project can be completed on time and within budget with quality assurance.
Project management is a key and fundamental aspect of implementing a solution. Successful project management ensures that the critical elements of the project’s success, i.e. presentation, acceptance and user interaction, will be effectively implemented.
Pre-implementation meetings are held between our project leader and your key personnel to identify and allocate resources. Meetings are held to determine goals and objectives of the project with respect to a schedule. Responsibilities are assigned and a schedule lay out with milestones and critical dates.
Call us now at 67419198.