The Floating World: Circular Economy in during Japan’s Edo Period

‘Watch the full video here:
After being transported into a 19th-century Edo painting, a university student discovers everyday sustainable practices from history to bring home to modern Japan.
When a university student struggling with an environmental studies assignment searches for inspiration for an assignment at an art gallery, she is magically transported into a painting and lands in 19th-century Japan. In Edo, today’s Tokyo, she witnesses a range of everyday sustainable practices – using ashes in the dyeing process, fertilizing fields with night soil, repurposing used kimonos into towels and rags – that helped the country overcome environmental collapse.
One of eight documentaries created by Hot Docs and produced by SAP. Part of the Roads to Regeneration compilation:

Over the past 30 years, Hot Docs has earned an internationally renowned reputation for curating the best docs the world has to offer and forging relationships with celebrated filmmakers. Together with the filmmakers, SAP and Hot Docs partnered in producing eight short films for their first series, Roads to Regeneration – a curated collection of inspirational, short documentaries addressing the global challenges and opportunities that individuals, communities, and organizations face in achieving zero emissions, waste, and inequality.

#sustainability #régénération #documentries #japanese #edo #circulareconomy

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